We are starting the new sermon series entitled, "I am". No prophet of old ever dared to use the "I am" kinds of statements Jesus did when pointing to His identity.
What is the significance of these statements where Jesus deliberately uses them to point out the important truths about Himself and how that relates to us?
This is one of the reasons why the High Christology, whereby Jesus is regarded as Lord (Adonai), the One who died for our sins, who resurrected and is coming again was established within days and months of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. The understanding that the early Christian Church regarded Jesus as Lord is something that the majority of Biblical scholars agree upon whether they are believers or non-believers. Although the gospel of John, which more than any other gospel portrays Jesus as divine, was written around 65 years later, the belief that Jesus is Lord was established at the very outset of the first Christian Church. We will be exploring Jesus' bold statement which He pronounced on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles when He loudly proclaimed to the masses who attended the feast, "I am the light of the world."
We are going to look at the three things relating to this bold claim. We are going to look at:
1. The Greatness of the Metaphor.
2. The Greatness of the Claim.
3. The Greatness of the Call.