On the Heals of a Great Loss Comes Great Gain based on Matthew 28 Typically, for a wise person, great losses can turn into great gains. Everyone experiences failure or loss in life. Still, these do not need to define us and have a stranglehold on our lives. Bad investments/bankruptcies can turn into gains and profits. A neglect of health can turn us into fit and healthy people. Also, resentfulness and anger which hurts others can turn into gentleness, love and care for others.
Can death, which is the ultimate loss, turn into the ultimate gain?
The answer to this is found in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. On the heels of a seemingly great loss which was His death on the cross came a huge gain of His resurrection. Two huge gains have come to us stemming from Jesus' death on the cross: The first one is the Redemption Sabbath rest and the second one is the Resurrection Sunday news.
There are two questions we will be looking at in this Sabbath's sermon.
Who can really experience Redemption Sabbath rest and who can't?
Who is Resurrection Sunday News for and who is it not for?