The world is watching and cheering their favourite freedom fighters of today. But the world is far from united. Some are for Palestinians, and others are for Israelis. Some are for Ukraine, and others are for Russians. Some are for Americans, and others are for Chinese. The world is divided on what constitutes a just cause for freedom fighting.
At the same time, the world seems to be united in believing that the value of the lofty goal of freedom, security and prosperity is worth pursuing at all costs and using all necessary means, including violence. The cheering crowd all over the globe extends undeserved grace to freedom fighters and social activists. The Barabbases of the world and the way of Barabbas are cheered on.
Yet, how many times have we watched the freedom fighters of the world go through the cycle of; fighting injustice and corruption, using all means at their disposal (including violence), getting into power, then becoming corrupted, and being overthrown by a new uprising?
In fact, this cycle describes the human history of bloodshed.
What about Jesus and His way of salvation and freedom?
There are only two ways of salvation. The way of Barabbas and the way of Jesus.
So, what is the difference between Jesus, the salvation fighter and freedom fighters of yesterday and today?